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Name: Dark Cloud
ESRB: Teen
Console: Playstation 2
Genre: RPG
Average Rating: 7
Developer: Level-5
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America


You are Toan. Not far from your home town, an evil genie has been awakened by Flag, a military man. Flag proclaims himself the genie's master, and they go through the world, destroying towns and people, which are locked away in spheres that are scattered throughout the dungeons by the Spirit King. You are one of two survivors of the incident in your town. The Spirit King approaches you and gives you the power to take these spheres and rebuild towns and put everything back to normal. Thus begins your quest.



Linus - Rating: 7

So, one day I'm at Best Buy. I'm in the PS2 games aisle and I see Dark Cloud. It's only like 20 bucks, and I heard it's a pretty good game, so I pick it up.

First thing's first, is it worth twenty bucks? Sure, if you like dungeons and buying lots of repair powder. It gets a little repetitive after the first set of dungeons, which are spread like too little butter over too much bread. There are at least twenty levels for each dungeon.
Weapons are not your friends. Your weapons lose durability, ala Diablo, as you fight stuff. But this is NOT the nearly carefree durability of Diablo, nooo, unless you're way into the game, you have to repair after you kill about five monsters, otherwise you lose your weapon.

The game, overall, looks pretty nice.... for a PS2 game. The camera isn't perfect, but because of the simplicity of controlling it, it isn't very bad. The controls are simple to master; fighting is basically locking on, running at your target, and slashing your sword like mad. It requires just a tiny bit of strategy though, because you have to get really close to hit them.

Speaking of switching characters, there are certain levels where you have to use one character, and it's never your main character, oh no, it's the cat-girl with a completely useless slingshot or the slow caveman with a giant, cartoon-ish mallet. But what can you do?

Building a town can be fairly fun, since you have the liberty to put a building just about anywhere. You can place waterways or lakes in front of peoples' houses, or have their door pointing straight at a cliff face. Although the people suggest that you put their houses in certain places, nothing really happens if you listen to them. The time does progress from day to night while outside a dungeon, but nothing much happens.

It's a pretty good dungeon crawler to play if you're in the mood, but playing it too much will most likely eventually bore you.

Snoopy - Rating: N/A


Woodstock - Rating: N/A


Marcie - Rating: N/A